How to Become a Business Partner
Business Partners represent businesses that are suppliers, vendors, service providers, etc. to our REALTOR® members. Business Partner dues are pro-rated depending on the time of the year you join. Once you complete the application and pay the fee, you will be entered into our system. Our membership coordinator will complete the final details and when your account is 100% setup, you will receive an email from her welcoming you to the Board of Realtors. Click the button to create your account and start the Business Partner application.
New Business Partner ApplicationWhat Is a Business Partner Member?
By becoming a Business Partner Member of the St. Augustine &St. Johns County (SASJ) Board of REALTORS® you gain access to our Realtor members, their clients and other people they come in contact with in the community. As a Business Partner Member you have an abundance of business leads and prospects from Realtors and other Business Partner Members. You are encouraged to network your business at our events and there are many sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.
Access to Business Partner and Realtor Contact Lists
• The contact list is available upon request. Business Partner Members also have access to NAR & FL Realtors website and resources.
Invitation to Board Member Events
• There are multiple networking events throughout the year. Young Professional Network (YPN) hosts quarterly social events and the Education Committee hosts fundraisers for the Scholarship Fund.
Sponsorship Opportunities
• All Business Partner Members are given the opportunity to sponsor board classes, YPN events, fundraising events and sponsors may display promotional materials.
Educational Training & Classes
• Access to industry-specific education and training to enhance skills and knowledge.
General Membership Meetings
• General membership meetings are open to all board members to provide information on the real estate industry. These meetings are held in conjunction with other board events and are a platform for member recognition and award presentations.
Business Partner Committee
• This committee meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 9:30am at the board to discuss and plan upcoming events, sponsorship opportunities and to foster and maintain strong relationships between business partners and realtors.
Website and Office Presence
• Your business will be listed on the board’s public website and you can provide company information to be displayed on the interactive monitor located in the lobby of the office.